新鲜人: “Current and former American officials whisper that classified reports implicate the company in possible Chinese espionage but have produced none publicly. Others familiar with the secret case against the company say there is no smoking gun.”
“美国现任和前任官员们私下里表示,机密报告表明,该公司涉嫌参与中国的间谍活动,但没有任何公开报告。另一些熟知针对该公司这一机密案件者称,没有确凿证据。” (1-28 12:12)
纽约时报: 为什么美国企业需要中国消费者?
“Current and former American officials whisper that classified reports implicate the company in possible Chinese espionage but have produced none publicly. Others familiar with the secret case against the company say there is no smoking gun.”